Sunday, March 3, 2013

Who the F**k is Richard Blum???

Who the f**k is Richard Blum??? Let’s get right to it. Richard Blum is the husband of Senator Dianne Feinstein who has inside information on just about everything that trades on Wall Street. Both she and her husband have a net worth now exceeding $1,000,000,000. That’s right one billion dollars. Here is just a short review of Richard’s stock performance over the past year.

Richard Blum’s stock picks of the last year are an unsung success of 2012’s challenging investing environment. Though official return numbers have not appeared yet, Blum’s positioning achieved the highest average return numbers in the last 12 months, at 40.33 percent, according to GuruFocus.”

Now America, did you get 40.33% rate of return on your 401-K last year. I doubt it! This is just another example of the fleecing of America’s common man. Black, White Latino and Asian while we’re fighting their contrived wars with each other these bastards are getting mega-rich right under our noses.
Wake up America, we’re all getting screwed by these political elites and they don’t even have the common decency to hide it. Wake up America.

Oh, one more thing. Let's remember the very rich Senator Feinstein wants your guns in her new law. I guess she's worried the American people will wake up and hang them by their toes in the public square. – N.P.Contompasis

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