Monday, September 28, 2009

Some Say the Last President That Played This Game Ended Up Dead !

President Obama is playing a dangerous chess match with the masters of the game. Some say the last President that played with these guys ended up dead !
If I have one message to send to the President it would be, concede as soon as possible. These guys play for keeps!
Yesterday's announcement by General Stanley A. McChrystal commanding General of the Afghanistan war said on 60 Minutes that he has only spoken to the President once since he took command.
This is a shocking proclamation to the American people and our enemies that Obama could care less about the war and most of all the troops on the ground. This was supposed to be the war that he said during the campaign was "where we should have been in the first place". Well, we're there and your not communicating with your General on the ground, SHAME ON YOU MR. PRESIDENT !
Also, yesterdays leak of a top secrete report relating to McChrystal's request for more troops, was another signal from the Defense Department that you better get your s**t in order Mr. President or else !
This looks like an attempt by the Defense Department to embarrass the President and it will work.
All of this is firing up the Right even more than they are already.
President Obama has no end game for the region thus his lack of concern. As more U.S. troops are killed on the ground in Afghanistan the President looks more like a killer rather than a Commander in Chief.
Obama could save himself by sending the troops requested by the General if he has the guts. But, unfortunately guts are something this president is a little short of..........


Anonymous said...

Let's not over-simplify the intricacies of War. There's a lot on the table; the stakes are high. The President must carefully consider all circumstances and consequences before moving forward. It's his responsibility as Commander In Chief and we should not begrudge him for taking a very cautionary approach. He has already sent an additional 21,000 troops and I think after reviewing McChrystal's current Afghanistan assessment, he will ultimately agree to the requested resources. Obama is not a shoot from the hip kind of leader and we simply cannot expect him to make these types of decisions at a moment's's not that simple.

Blog Start Date 8/11/09 said...

I appreciate your thorough and insightful comment. Unfortunately, I keep saying this over and over " I hope I'm wrong", " I hope I'm wrong", but this President keeps proving me right every time ! :(